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10/04/14 12:18 AM #42    


Raymond David Norville

I am sorry I missed the reunion. I looked at all the pictures and it looked like so much fun. I hope to make the next one. Special thanks to the organizers who I can tell did a fantastic job. 

Fellow classmate of 1964-Dave Norville

10/05/14 08:30 PM #43    

Carrea S. Cotlow (Uremovich)

To all of you who worked on the reunion, you guys did a fantastic job!!  We all had a wonderful time.  I only wish I could of talked to more of my old classmates and friends. It was just wonderful to see all of you.  Thank you to all the committee members again for all your hard work.  Saturday was a terrific night.  May you all live a long and wonderful life and may God bless.    Carrea Cotlow Uremovich

10/06/14 02:04 PM #44    


Maralyn Hauer (Hauer)

I just spoke to Ruth Reneer.  She would love to hear from friends.  Best contact is phone number 520-324-0880.

Ruth raved about the reunion, the organizers and how great it was to be with friends.

If you want to get in touch with Ruth, call her and she will be happy to hear from you!

10/12/14 07:11 PM #45    

Linda Kay Bartch (Chamberlain)

I just received my CD and I must say anyone who hasn't ordered one needs to.  You all did a great job. Was so much fun watching. 


Linda Bartch Chamberlain

10/14/14 12:42 PM #46    

Barbara Ann Ludy (Griffin)

We owe a huge thanks to Guy Ferstyl for putting that amazing DVD together--just awesome!

10/15/14 11:28 AM #47    

Barbara Elaine Costin (Nelson)

I am very sorry I could not attend the reunion.  Sounds like everyone had a fabulous time.  Hopefully we will have another one soon!  I received my video and had so much fun watching it-- so many good memories.  Thank you for doing such a wonderful job.

10/16/14 11:16 AM #48    

Michaele (Mickey) Slayter (Miller)

Got my DVD last week and there is an error that comes up when there is about 5 minutes left.  Is there any way I can get another copy?  I also hope there will be another reunion since I missed this one.  Love looking at the photos classmates put up.  A BIG thank you to all who worked on it and this web sight.   Mickey

11/11/14 06:15 PM #49    


Paul Mann

To ALL of my Fellow Veteran Classmates:

On this Veterans Day of 2014, I'd simply like to extend my appreciation to you for your Service to this nation!  Like myself (USAF '65 - '69), I'm so very grateful to each of you for the opportunity given to us to serve and help in the defense of our Country.  Special Blessings, to those (and their families) who gave their lives in the course of this action - - THANK YOU!!


Paul Mann


12/01/14 04:50 PM #50    

David Patrick Snell

12/01/14 04:55 PM #51    

David Patrick Snell

12/24/14 12:27 PM #52    

Barbara Ann Ludy (Griffin)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the Class of '64!! Thanks to all who attended the reunion! Those that missed it missed a great time catching up with former classmates--hope you come to the next one, whenever that may be!!


Barb Ludy Griffin

12/25/14 02:47 PM #53    


Maralyn Hauer (Hauer)

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all!

12/25/14 10:25 PM #54    


Paul Mann

Back in the day that I was teaching, was back in New Jersey.  My last assignment was "In the Hood" where I was in a 6th grade school with 437 Black students.  Being in a community that had gone from a multi ethnic background, to nearly all black, surely had some dramatic effects on the overall populous with the presence of both the Bloods and the Crips gangs.  All of this said & done, let me share with you a word that culturally, had to be dealt with during Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.  I was always able to deal with it effectively with a simple 3-syllable word following Happy: HAPPY HANUKWANZMAS!!

Soo, for all of those who just finished Hanukkah yesterday, Christmas today, and will celebrate Kwanzaa tomorrow, HAPPY HANUKWANZMAS!!   smileywink
                                       Paul & Lynn


12/27/14 08:46 AM #55    


Maralyn Hauer (Hauer)

To Paul and family, Feliz Fiestas, as I learned in Mexico!

12/29/14 12:34 PM #56    


Paul Mann

Muchas gracias a todos, Maralyn - - un muy sano, feliz, feliz, feliz y próspero año nuevo para ti y los tuyos también. . . Y como usted ha dicho, felices vacaciones! smiley

12/30/14 02:04 PM #57    


Maralyn Hauer (Hauer)


01/31/15 11:37 AM #58    


Tony E, Rios

Hey Guys lets have some fun for a change and help us contribute to Local Causes and Charities.This is a good way to stay in touch between reunions. Check out the info below. Hope to see all of you there.


Tony Rios



DATE:               Saturday, February 14,    2015
LOCATION:      Sabbar Shrine Center
ADDRESS:        450 S. Tucson Blvd.    Tucson, Arizona
TIME:                7 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
MUSIC BY:       DJ Goonies   Tomas Mendez and Herbie Padilla
TYPE OF MUSIC:  Oldies, Country & Tex Mex
Food and Drinks Available -  Sabbar will provide Tacos, Rice & Beans for $5 pr plate
                                                   Nachos will also be available
fOR INFORMATION CONTACT:     Arnold Carley  624-1557
                                                            Becky Molina   204-5922
                                                            Tony Rios  495-9070
                                                             Sylvia Jo Miles  792-0479
Thank you for your help.  If you need to contac you can reach me on:
home  520-829-6810
cell      520-204-5922
Rebecca V Molina


01/31/15 11:48 AM #59    


Tony E, Rios


01/31/15 03:24 PM #60    


Sharon Mariotte (Carman)

Sounds like a blast!! We will be there. 

02/01/15 02:59 PM #61    

Flora Cecilia Huerta (Carl)

I wish Joe & I could but we're going to the Frankie Valli 4 Seasons tribute at the Fox. But it sounds and looks like it will a good time.  Maybe next time.  Flora

02/01/15 07:05 PM #62    


Paul Mann

Would LOVE to be able to come and enjoy togegther w/my Classmates - - just not physically able to come . . . BUMMER!! sadcryingno  Enjoy it all, on my behalf!! smiley

02/02/15 08:17 AM #63    


Re'sy Frommes (Wyler)

Sorry guys, I would have loved to be there with you, but I will only be in Tucson as of Feb 16th!

Hope you have a great time!

02/07/15 11:14 PM #64    


Olivia Riesgo (Schaad)

Hi Tony,  plan to be there next Sat.  See you there.





02/19/15 06:55 PM #65    


Raymond 0. Nelson


3rd Annual


Run/Walk "n" Roll

Reid Park Tucson

Registration: 8-8:45 a.m.

Start Time 9 a.m.

(Ramada #10, southwest corner of the park

Near Country Club and Broadway)


I would like to invite all of my CLASSMATES to participate in the walk. Several classmates have joined me in the past and we spent the whole time talking and having a great time. After the walk we always find a place to eat together. This camp has a special place in my heart. I was on the board of directors and also I spent time as camp director. I would also like to thank those clasmates that have made donations to show support for me. I do not live in Tucson so having my classmates support is special. Hope to see you there.


you may register on line

Lions Camp Tatiyee is located in Pinetop-Lakeside,Arizona, and sits on 88 acres in a beautifulPonderosa pine forest on the Mogollon Rim. The mission is to improve the
emotional health of individuals with special needs, providing them an
opportunity to interact with others having similar challenges with the goal of building their independence and self- confidence.



10/12/16 12:48 PM #66    


Susan Kaye Schaeffer (Werner)

Happy Birthday Tony Rios!!!Many more mi amigo!


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