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1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
208 live in Arizona
35 live in California
8 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
5 live in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
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1 lives in Michigan
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1 lives in New Jersey
7 live in New Mexico
1 lives in North Dakota
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2 live in South Carolina
15 live in Texas
4 live in Utah
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Alberta
1 lives in Indonesia
2 live in Mexico
1 lives in New Zealand
1 lives in Switzerland
155 location unknown


•   Lynn Karen Van Scoyk (Hall)  5/20
•   Guy Thomas Ferstl  5/19
•   Patricia Ann Lietha (Dent)  5/17
•   Robert (Bob) Brown  3/13
•   Michael James Arnold  3/5
•   Margie C. Navarro (Strutz)  3/3
•   Larry E. Peterman  1/29
•   Sharon Mariotte (Carman)  6/24
•   Raymond McReady Vanderwerf  11/3
•   Marilyn Waddell (Hammarstrom)  11/2
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Tucson High School
Class Of 1964

                                       Why a 60th Reunion Picnic in the Park?

1. It gives the freedom to really visit, share memories, and reconnect with all your classmates (not limited to those few sitting near you at a table in a restaurant) - the actual point of the reunion!
2.  You are guaranteed to have your favorite lunch, whatever your preferences or dietary restrictions...because you are bringing it with you.
3.  Fear of commitment?  No problem...if you decide Sunday morning, 10/13, that you really can not miss our 60th (!) Reunion just head over to Reid Park. 
4. It's the ultimate stress-free reunion for need to drive at night, no
 sending in forms with a check four months in advance, in fact no expense at all...except maybe for sunscreen.
5.  "Do You Wanna Dance?"  Go back in time with our own "Songs of '64" playing in the background.  
6. All your friends will be there... and it is FREE!
Susie Roberts Stockton:
Marilyn Romine Huffman: